

Management support.

Primary Projects offer executive, team, and project management while you develop, recruit or restructure. Fly-in-fly-out assurance for you and your team.

What do you do when a key member of your team moves on to their next challenge? Or if you are setting up a new practice, department, project or restructuring your service? Chances are you need to recruit. This means crafting a position description, advertising, and finding the right applicant at an affordable rate. Getting this right can take some time.

Primary Projects provides you with a professional, experienced and engaging manager to give you the time you need to find the perfect applicant. No fixed term contracts, probation periods, or gaps to worry about so you can get on with your business. More speed, less haste. And while we're there, we can also provide you with feedback on areas we think you might like to tweak to improve your service.

Project solutions.

We can provide creative and innovative solutions that work within funders' expectations, yet are tailored to local context.

Healthcare organisations - small or large, commissioners or service providers - operate in an ever-changing environment. Policies, approaches, and associated funding change with governments. But some things seem to stay the same: Funding and population health needs are mismatched, calls for expressions of interest come at short notice, and funders prefer applications that demonstrate engagement with community and primary care.

Primary Projects assists you develop partnerships, conduct needs analyses, write funding applications, and plan for implementation. We also offer start up support so you can hit the ground running when your proposal is funded.

Business improvement.

We know you are dedicated to your community. Resources are finite, yet demand for, and expectations of, primary care is increasing - emphasising the need for efficient, effective, and sustainable solutions.

Primary care services - and particularly those operated by not-for-profit, community, or public entities - often struggle to achieve sustainability. The reasons tend to lie in governance on the one hand, and operational know-how on the other. Primary Projects assists you optimise:

  • MBS item use

  • Team configuration

  • Policies and processes

  • GP contracting arrangements

Primary Projects will work with you to identify areas for improvement and assist you in the implementation of solutions.

Training and facilitation.

We are happy to assist in facilitating public or sector events. Our service can include support with local media, speaker engagement, pre-event coordination, facilitation during the event, and post-event coordination.

A key issue we have noted across our clients, particularly smaller organisations and community-based organisations, is that board or committee members have limited or no prior experience in governance roles and are sometimes unaware of the scope of their role and their duties. This almost always impacts the relationship between the board and staff, makes succession planning difficult, and reduces stakeholder buy-in. With years of experience in governance and formal governance qualifications, we can help out. Sometimes, even a short workshop with a board can help provide directors with the clarity they need - this can include “governance 101” but also training on the specific type of organisation and the constitution or rules that govern it.